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Zoe Norton breeding pedigree North Country Cheviots with iLivestock

Yoni avatar
Shared by Yoni • April 28, 2023

Zoe and Gary are tenant farmers in East Anglia. With a veterinary background and a love for animals, Zoe joined Gary and his beef farming business a few years back. What started as a pet project, is slowly turning into a serious pedigree sheep farming venture producing both quality pedigree and butchery lambs.

Zoe and Gary didn't have any kind of technology on the farm before.

Now they breed their own pedigree flock of North Country Cheviots, a new farm activity using iLivestock. They wanted to do it properly and set off looking for a livestock management bundle that would keep them organised and compliant. They also knew that it would be useful to know maternal and paternal lineages, so the program needed to be able to capture detailed breeding information.

They held paper records for a 25 head suckler herd until recently, but started using iLivestock to register their holding records with British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS). In future, they are keen to use the iLivestock management app for rearing calves.

Did you see the newborn baby? - Farming never stops, even for a new mum.

Farm highlights

📍 GA Livestock, 3 Colchester Road, Bures, CO8 5AE
🚜 Tenancy sheep and cattle farm
🐑 Pedigree flock: North Country Cheviots, Stour Mill Cheviots
🐄 Simmental Sacombe Jaegerbomb X Suckler

iLivestock technology used on farm

  • Weighing
  • Breeding records
  • Medicine records
  • Grouping
  • Compliance