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From dog trainer to sheep farmer: How iLivestock helps Damian Barson grow his flock

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Shared by Info β€’ August 22, 2023

Meet Damian Barson, a first-generation farmer at Tessleymoor Farm who is using iLivestock to manage his 200-ewe flock of Swaledales and English Mules and further grow his flock on his new farm in Yorkshire πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Damian is a renowned dog trainer, but in 2021 he made the switch to become a sheep farmer. Damian works with iLivestock because he wanted to incorporate a flexible system into his rather new farming venture to manage his sheep and other animals on the farm.

He started with nine Ryelands and has grown his flock to 200 sheep of various breeds, including Swaledales and English Mules. Recently, he relocated from a 64-acre farm in Lancashire to a larger farm in Yorkshire with more land and farm buildings and plans to grow his flock with a minimum of 300 sheep to lamb in 2024.

Sheep management

The iLivestock farm management platform helps Damian to be accountable for his lambing and to keep track of his records for this year and the next. He likes that iLivestock is app controlled, that he can access it from his phone while he is out in the field πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎπŸ“±

Farm highlights

πŸ“ Tessleymoor Farm / Coville House Farm, Bouthwaite, Harrogate, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
🚜 Sheep farmer
πŸ‘ 200-ewe flock of Swaledales and English Mules

iLivestock features used on the farm:

  • Breeding records
  • Weighing
  • Medicine recording
  • Blow fly strike
  • EID Reading